Kedi Ganapati

Reincarnation of Sanatan Dharma (1)


I am Kedi Ganapati, the Astrologer and a Sage of Sanatan Dharma. I am the only responsible and authorized person for doing content writing, scripture writing, meditation, rituals, traveling, research, study, graphic designing and web developing for this website. The purpose of this website is to propagate Sanatan Dharma knowledge and re-establish Sanatan Dharma across the world.


My personal name is "Kedi Ganapati" and My life mission is "Reincarnation of Sanatan Dharma".

My name in official documents is Kedi Kailas Khot. The name “Kiran” was given to me by my mother during the Namkaran Vidhi ceremony. The name kedi refers to a man who possesses all 64 divine and demonic attributes. Generally, the meaning of the name Kedi is a man who is free from all shackles, rulermaker, nationalist, great donor, naughty womanizer, brutal killer, executioner, dark horse, spy, multiple personalities, and many more.

In 2016, I experienced a moment of self-realization about my identity and purpose of life; I descended on earth to write Sanatan Dharma scriptures, develop the official website of Sanatan Dharma, and make reincarnations of Sanatan Dharma.

After getting my real identity, I began searching for a name that reflected my character and personality. When I discovered that the name Kedi resonated with my mindset and traits, I decided to change my name from Kiran to Kedi.

My Vision & Mission

Study Everything about Sanatan Dharma

Study Everything related to Sanatan Dharma

Explore Everything About Human Lifestyle

Explore Everything related to Human Lifestyle

Experience all 64 + 8 Sexual Activities

Experience all Valid 64 + Invalid 8 Sexual Activities

Develop Official Website of Sanatan Dharma

Develop Official Website of Sanatan Dharma

Write all 12 Scriptures of Sanatan Dharma

Write Scriptures of Sanatan Dharma

Establish University of Sanatan Dharma

Establish University of Sanatan Dharma

4 Pillors of Sanatan Dharma

Sanatan Dharma Chakra Home
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project DHARMA
There are 24 Humans eternal rules, rights and responsibilities, which is called Sanatan Dharma Chakra.
Samudra Manthan Home Home
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project ARTHA
Various Karma are performs to attain 18 Artha, which is called Samudra Manthan.
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project KAAM
There are 64 various sexual activites to get higher sexual pleasures, which is called Kaam Trupti.
Moksha Home Page Home
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project MOKSHA
Dharma, Artha, and Kaam are performs to achive completeness of mind, which is called Moksh Prapti.
Parmeshwar Maha Ganapati

1 Aadi Parmeshwar

Maha Ganapati

UchishthaGanapati Home

2 Fertilized Parmeshwar

Uchchhishta Ganapati (Bappa) and Jagdamba (Aai)

IshwarVishnu 1 Home


Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, Durga, Kaali, Lakshmi, and Saraswati

kalkiBhagwan Home


Shankar, Dattatreya, ParshuRam, Ram, Krishna, Buddha and (Kalki + Ganesh)

IndraDevta 1 Home


Kaamdev, Suryadev, Chandradev, Agnidev, Vayudev, Varundev, Indradev, and Dhruvdev

hanuman 2 Home


Hanuman, Vibhishan, Ravan, Parshurama, Kripacharya, Vedvyas, Bali and Ashwatthama

DevilkaliJews Home


Creator of Jews community

DevilkokaChristian Home


Creator of Christian Community

download2 removebg preview Home


Creator of Islam Community

Scriptures of Sanatan Dharma

There are Sanak, Sanatan, Sanandan, Sanat, Ved and Puran, these 6 scriptures in Sanatan Dharma and there are a total of 24 sections in all the scriptures.

Kaam Shastra
Sanatan 1
Dharma Shastra
Sanatan 2
Dev Shastra
Sanandan 1
Artha Shastra
Sanandan 2
Rashtra Shastra
Sanandan 3
Nyaya Shastra
Sanat 1
Darshan Shastra
Sanat 2
Khagol Shastra
Sanat 3
Jyotish Shastra
Sanat 4
Aayam Shastra
Ved 1
Satvik Ved
Ved 2
Tantrik Ved
Maha Puran
Ishwar Puran
Bhaga Puran
Bhagwan Puran

Note: Currently I don’t have enough practical experience of Puran, that’s why I am not capable to mention all chapters of Puran Shastra.


I am Kedi Ganapati, the only Owner/Developer/Author of this website.

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