Kedi Ganapati

10 + 2 Avatar of Vishnu

Avatar of Vishnu

Parmeshwar Ganapati provides five elements like body, intellect, soul, life, and mind, etc. to some living beings to perform and enjoy the deeds. Out of these five elements, four elements like body, intellect, soul, life, etc. are present on earth, but mind elements are present only in Vaikuntha.

“Parmeshwar Ganapati descends 10 + 2 forms of mind from Vaikuntha to the earth through Ishwar Vishnu; the mind descends from Vaikuntha to the earth; hence, the mind is called Avatar.”

Parmeshwar Ganapati, through Ishwar Vishnu and Ishwar Lakshmi, creates the mind element from energy and chakra dimensions. Ishwar Vishnu and Ishwar Lakshmi create Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narada, Narasimha, Vaman, Parashuram, Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Kalki, and Ganesha, etc These 12 forms of minds.

Ishwar Vishnu and Ishwar Lakshmi control all 12 types of minds. Ishwar Vishnu descends all 12 types of minds from Vaikuntha to the Earth, hence calling it Avatar of Vishnu; but should call avatar descends by Vishnu. Ishwar Lakshmi establishes various emotions within all the 12 types of minds. 

When do descends occur?

Ishwar Vishnu descends Avatars to Earth from Vaikuntha at a particular time. When the planet Jupiter transits in Mrigashira Nakshatra, then both the Earth and Vaikuntha connect together through elements of Incarnation, then Ishwar Vishnu descends Avatar. 

The period of descent from Vaikuntha to earth is called Kumbha kaal. Ishwar Vishnu incarnates all types of Avatar only during the KumbhKaal (Kumbha Period). Kumbha Kaal comes in every 12 years on earth.

Dasha Avatar

The type of mind that descends into the bodies of aquatic creatures is called Matsya Avatar. Ishwar Vishnu starts descending Avatar of Matsya, from the first Satayug of the 4th Mahayuga of Rising Manvantar of every Kalpa. new matsya avatar descends on earth in every Kumbhakaal, Mastsya Avatar can take rebirth on earth unlimited times till end of Kalpa.

MatsyaAvatar removebg preview Avatar
KurmaAvatar removebg preview Avatar

The type of mind that descends into the bodies of Amphibian creatures is called Kurma Avatar. Ishwar Vishnu starts descending all the Avatar of Kurma, from the first Satayug of the 5th Mahayuga of Rising Manvantar of every Kalpa. new kurma avatar descends on earth in every Kumbhakaal, Kumbha Avatar can take rebirth on earth unlimited times till end of Kalpa.

The type of mind that descends into the bodies of overland animals is called Varaha Avatar. Ishwar Vishnu starts descending Avatar of Varah, from the first Satayug of the 6th Mahayug of Rising Manvantar of every Kalpa. new varah avatar descends on earth in every Kumbhakaal, Varah Avatar can take rebirth on earth unlimited times till end of Kalpa.

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NaradAvatar removebg preview Avatar

The type of mind that descends in the body of every human being is called Narad Avatar. Ishwar Vishnu starts descends Narad Avatar from 1st Satayug of 1st mahayug of Ancient Manvantara of every Kalpa. new narad avatar descends on earth in every Kumbhakaal, Narad Avatar can take rebirth on earth 10,000 times till end of Kalpa.

The kind of mind that Bhagwan Shankar has is called Narasimha Avatar. Ishwar Vishnu descends Narasimha Avatar, i.e., Bhagwan Shankar, only in all the 24 Yugas of the ancient Manvantara of every Kalpa. Narasimha avatar 24 times descends on earth in Kumbhakaal on earth in a Kalpa. once complete god’s mission reincarnation of sanatan dharma, god goes to vaikuntha. Bhagwan Shankar no need to take rebirth and get salvation.

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VamanAvatar removebg preview Avatar

The kind of mind Bhagwan Dattatreya has is called Vaman Avatar. Ishwar Vishnu descends Vaman Avatar, i.e., Bhagwan Dattatreya, only in all the 24 Yugas of Middle Manvantara of every Kalpa.  Vaman avatar 24 times descends on earth in Kumbhakaal on earth in a Kalpa. once complete god’s mission reincarnation of sanatan dharma, god goes to vaikuntha. Bhagwan Dattatreya no need to take rebirth and get salvation. 

The kind of mind that Bhagwan Parasuraman is called Parshuram Avatar. Ishwar Vishnu descends Parashuram Avatar only in all the 6 Satayugas of the modern Manvantar of every Kalpa. Parshuram avatar 6 times descends on earth in Kumbhakaal on earth in a Kalpa. once complete god’s mission reincarnation of sanatan dharma, god goes to vaikuntha. Bhagwan Parshuram no need to take rebirth and get salvation. 

ParshuramAvatar removebg preview Avatar
RamAvatar removebg preview 1 Avatar

The kind of mind of Bhagwan Ram is called Ram Avatar. Ishwar Vishnu descends Ram Avatar only in all the 6 Treta Yugas of the modern Manvantar of every Kalpa. Ram avatar 6 times descends on earth in Kumbhakaal on earth in a Kalpa. once complete god’s mission reincarnation of sanatan dharma, god goes to vaikuntha. Bhagwan Ram no need to take rebirth and get salvation. 

The kind of mind that Bhagwan Krishna has is called Krishna Avatar. Ishwar Vishnu descends Krishna Avatar only in all the 6 Dwapar Yugas of the modern Manvantar of every Kalpa. Krishna avatar 6 times descends on earth in Kumbhakaal on earth in a Kalpa. once complete god’s mission reincarnation of sanatan dharma, god goes to vaikuntha. Bhagwan Krishna no need to take rebirth and get salvation. 

BhagwanKrishna removebg preview Avatar
Buddha removebg preview Avatar

The kind of mind of the Bhagwan Buddha is called the Buddha Avatar. Ishwar Vishnu descends Buddha Avatar only in all the 6 Kaliyuga of the modern Manvantar of every Kalpa. Buddha avatar 6 times descends on earth in Kumbhakaal on earth in a Kalpa. once complete god’s mission reincarnation of sanatan dharma, god goes to vaikuntha. Bhagwan Buddha no need to take rebirth and get salvation. 

Maha Avatar

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The kind of mind of Bhagwan Kalki is called Kalki Avatar and the kind of mind of Bhagwan Ganesha is called Ganesha Avatar. Ishwar Vishnu descends Bhagwan Kalki and Bhagwan Ganesh into the same human body only once in the last Kaliyuga of the modern Manvantara of every Kalpa.  

Kalki and Ganesh maha avatar only once descends together on earth in Kumbhakaal on earth in a Kalpa. once complete god’s mission reincarnation of sanatan dharma, god goes to vaikuntha. Bhagwan Kalki and Ganesh no need to take rebirth and get salvation.  

dhumraketuGanesha removebg preview Avatar


Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narad, Narasimha, Vaman, Parshuram, Ram, Krishna, Buddha, etc. These 10 Avatars are independent forms, but the Kalki and Ganesh are connected to each other; hence, all the other 10 Avatars are called Dashavatara, and the Avatars of Bhagwan Kalki and Bhagwan Ganesh are called Maha Avatar.

All the Dashavatar descends individually in their individual bodies, but Bhagwan Kalki and Bhagwan Ganesh incarnate together in one human body.

Reference and Request

It was the duty of my life to know the existence of all 12 Avatar and to publish that knowledge throughout the world. I have fulfilled the first duty of knowing the existence of Avatar by spending 15 years of my life and Rupees 12 lakh on the amendment and am also fulfilling the second duty of publishing this knowledge to the world through the scriptures and the website.

I bow to you; you are much more fortunate than me, so through this post you have easily received the deep knowledge of Avatar. Now, since you are knowledgeable, it has become your duty to spread this knowledge to your friends, family and society.

I am Kedi Ganapati a sage of Sanatan Dharma. I am writing scriptures of Sanatan Dharma and developing a offical website of Sanatan Dharma.

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