Parmeshwar Ganapati, in the form of Lord Vishnu, has established the Kundalini Shakti in a coiled state around the Muladhara Chakra present at the lower level of the human spine. The various 108 divine and demonic Ganas present on earth churn the Muladhara Chakra with this Kundalini Shakti of the human being and create the desire to do various deeds in the mind of the human being.
The direction of Kundalini Shakti is downward; the main purpose of Kundalini Shakti is to keep the human being bound in Maya. As the Kundalini Shakti is wrapped around the Muladhara, the Kundalini Shakti empowers the 4 emotions, such as lust, anger, greed, addiction, etc., which are emanating from the Muladhara Chakra.
The energy of Kundalini Shakti flows around the Muladhara Chakra and downward; as there is no other energy chakra below the Muladhara Chakra, the Kundalini Shakti does not empower any other energy chakra except the Muladhara Chakra.
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ToggleWhen the Kundalini Shakti rises above the Muladhara and is located in the Brahma Chakra, then the human being attains its original form, which is called Kundalini awakening. All the 7 energy chakras present in the spine of the human being become stable; only then does the energy of the Brahma Chakra raise the Kundalini Shakti above the Muladhara Chakra and place it in the Brahma Chakra, giving the human being his original Narad form. All humans are Narad incarnations; when a human experiences Kundalini awakening, then the human being is able to know his Narad form.
To raise the Kundalini Shakti from the Muladhara Chakra to the Brahma Chakra and place it in the Brahma Chakra, it is necessary for all the 7 energy chakras to be in a stable state. When a human being experiences all the 64 emotions arising from all the 7 energy chakras, only then all the 7 energy chakras attain a stable state.
When a human being experiences all the 4 emotions arising from the Muladhara Chakra, then the Muladhara Chakra becomes stable. When a human experiences all the 6 emotions arising from Swadhisthana Chakra, then Swadhisthana Chakra becomes stable. When a human experiences all the 10 emotions arising from Manipura Chakra, then Manipura Chakra becomes stable.
When a human experiences all the 12 emotions arising from Anahat Chakra, then Anahat Chakra becomes stable. When a human experiences all the 16 emotions arising from Vishuddhi Chakra, then Vishuddhi Chakra becomes stable. When a human experiences all the 2 emotions arising from Agya Chakra, then Agya Chakra becomes stable. When a human experiences all the 14 emotions arising from Sahasrar Chakra, then Sahasrar Chakra becomes stable.
When a human does not experience even 1 emotion out of all the 64 emotions, then the energy chakra related to that emotion does not become stable, and as a result, the energy of the Brahma Chakra does not reach the Kundalini Shakti. When any energy chakra of a human has reached the blocked state, it is necessary for that person to activate his closed energy chakra before Kundalini awakening.
Ishwar Vishnu has established 7 energy chakras in the human spine and 1 energy chakra in the human aura, for a total of 8 energy chakras. There are 7 energy chakras in the human spine, namely Mooladhar, Swadhisthana, Manipur, Anahat, Vishuddhi, Ajna, and Sahasrar, and the Brahma Chakra is present in the human aura.
Muladhara Chakra: The shape of the Mooladhara Chakra is like a red lotus with 4 petals. 4 different emotions, such as lust, anger, greed, and addiction, arise from the Mooladhara Chakra. When emotions arise from the Mooladhara Chakra, the human aura becomes red in color. The energy of the Mooladhara Chakra flows downward.
Swadhisthana Chakra: The shape of the Swadhisthana Chakra is like a saffron lotus with 6 petals. Six different emotions, such as ego, surrender, doubt, anxiety, fear, and faith, arise from the Swadhisthana Chakra. When emotions arise from Swadhisthana Chakra, the aura of a person becomes saffron in color. The energy of Swadhisthana Chakra flows around the human.
Manipur Chakra: The shape of Manipur Chakra is like a yellow lotus with 10 petals. 10 different emotions arise from Manipur Chakra, such as love, jealousy, attraction, disgust, affection, hostility, attachment, sacrifice, compassion, and mercy. When emotions arise from Manipur Chakra, the aura of a person becomes yellow in color. The energy of Manipur Chakra flows downwards.
Anahat Chakra: The shape of Anahat Chakra is like a green lotus with 12 petals. 12 different emotions arise from Anahat Chakra, such as pleasure, sorrow, joy, sadness, laughter, pain, pleasant, torture, enthusiasm, despair, hope, and hopelessness. When emotions arise from Anahat Chakra, the aura of a person becomes green in color. The energy of Anahat Chakra flows in both upward and downward directions.
Vishuddhi Chakra: The shape of Vishuddhi Chakra is like a blue lotus with 16 petals. 16 different emotions arise from Vishuddhi Chakra, such as peace, unrest, fickleness, restlessness, patience, impatience, masochism, sadism, surprise, detachment, helplessness, shame, laziness, expectation, embarrassment, and grief. When emotions arise from Vishuddhi Chakra, the aura of a person becomes sky blue. The energy of Vishuddhi Chakra flows downwards.
Agya Chakra: The shape of Agya Chakra is like a blue lotus with 2 petals. 2 different emotions arise from Agya Chakra, such as wisdom, witness, etc. When emotions arise from Agya Chakra, the aura of a person becomes blue. The energy of Agya Chakra flows downwards.
Sahasrar Chakra: The shape of Sahasrar Chakra is like a purple lotus with 1000 petals. 14 different emotions arise from Sahasrar Chakra, such as bliss, selfishness, cruelty, forgiveness, repentance, memory, faith, devotion, infatuation, entertainment, desire, curiosity, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, intoxication, and surprise. When emotions arise from Sahasrar Chakra, the aura of a human becomes purple in color. The energy of the Sahasrar Chakra flows in both upward and downward directions.
Brahma Chakra: The shape of Brahma Chakra is like bright white light. No emotion arises from Brahma Chakra; rather, a mental state of liberation is attained. When a mental state of liberation is attained from Brahma Chakra, the aura of a person becomes bright white. The main purpose of Brahma Chakra is to raise the Kundalini Shakti located in the Muladhara and place it in the Brahma Chakra and provide the human with his original form.
There are 7 energy chakras in the spinal cord of a human being; from each energy chakra, different emotions keep arising. When an energy chakra stops producing emotions, it is called an energy chakra blockage. 64 emotions keep arising in a human being’s mind.
When a human being continuously experiences a single emotion or wants to experience only one emotion repeatedly, then Lord Vishnu closes the energy chakra related to that emotion so that the human being can experience any other emotion as well. When an energy chakra closes, then all the emotions related to that energy chakra stop arising in the mind. To reactivate his energy chakra, a human being should desire different emotions while doing different tasks.
Kundalini awakening depends on the karma of the previous birth of a human, because for Kundalini awakening it is necessary for a human to experience all the 64 emotions. Only on the basis of the karma of a human’s previous birth, a human gets the fortune to experience all the 64 emotions in this birth.
A normal human is able to experience at most 48 different emotions out of all the 64 emotions in his entire life. A normal human avoids doing different tasks without any financial gain, due to which a human is not able to experience all kinds of emotions.
A human can activate the closed energy chakras through meditation, can listen to the different sounds of the energy chakras vibrating within him, can see the shape of his mind, can see the state of Kundalini awakening, but cannot awaken Kundalini.
When a human wants to get Kundalini awakening, then that human should do different tasks without wishing for any financial or material gain and should always be ready to face all types of situations and circumstances. When a human experiences all the 64 emotions while doing different tasks without caring about any profit and situation or circumstance, such a human definitely experiences Kundalini awakening.
Doing different tasks without caring for any benefit or situation is the only way to awaken Kundalini. For Kundalini awakening, it is essential for a human to have knowledge of all 64 emotions and to experience all those 64 emotions.
Kundalini Shakti cannot rise up and get established in the Brahma Chakra by itself. human cannot achieve Kundalini awakening by meditating or doing any other sadhna. For Kundalini awakening, it is essential for human to experience all the 64 emotions. After Kundalini awakening, human does not need to give proof of his Kundalini awakening to society. human’s deeds are the proof of Kundalini awakening.
human does not need Kundalini awakening to achieve salvation. Kundalini awakening is a natural process; every human cannot experience all the 64 emotions; hence, it is not necessary for every human to achieve Kundalini awakening. human needs Kundalini awakening to get freedom from negative emotions like sadness, torture, fear, addiction, greed, etc., and for Kundalini awakening, it is necessary to experience all the negative emotions.
Desiring Kundalini awakening is like demanding the experience of positive and negative both emotions from nature. Some humans are fortunate and do not experience some negative emotions in life; as a result, they do not experience Kundalini awakening. huan should not wish for Kundalini awakening but should only keep completing his various tasks honestly.
There is no need to do any special work or any special sadhana for Kundalini awakening, but there is a need to experience all 64 emotions in the mind while going through all positive and negative situations and circumstances. When a person experiences all 64 emotions while doing various tasks without caring about any profit or situation, all the 7 energy chakras of such a person become stable.
When all the energy chakras become stable, the energy of the Brahma Chakra lifts up the Kundalini Shakti present around the Muladhara Chakra and establishes it in the Brahma Chakra. When the Kundalini Shakti is established in the Brahma Chakra, the person experiences Kundalini awakening.
Upon experiencing Kundalini awakening, a person becomes aware of his original Narada form, and finally, free from all worries, he experiences supreme devotion to God while performing his duties continuously.
It was my life’s duty to know the origin of Kundalini awakening and to spread that knowledge to the whole world. I have fulfilled the first duty of knowing Kundalini awakening by doing yoga sadhana, research, and various karmas from 2009 to 2016, and I am also fulfilling the second duty of spreading this knowledge to the world through scriptures and websites.
I bow to you; you are much more fortunate than me, so you have easily gotten the esoteric knowledge of Kundalini awakening through this post. Now, since you are knowledgeable, it has become your duty to spread this knowledge to your friends, family, and society.
Author : Kedi Ganapati
I am Kedi Ganapati a Sage of Sanatan Dharma. I am writing scriptures of Sanatan Dharma and developing a offical website of Sanatan Dharma.