Kedi Ganapati

Sanatan Dharma

Sanatan Dharma

Parmeshwar Ganapati creates a manual containing rules, rights, and responsibilities for all subjects or objects, even before creating subjects or objects to make their own existence within the universe, which is called Dharma. To follow the rules, rights, and responsibilities of one’s own existence is called Dharma. 

before the creation of any subject or object, the Dharma of that subject or object is always created first. Dharma will always be sustained eternally because Parmeshwar Ganapati always creates anything with perfect mathematical and fundamental rules and doesn’t keep the chance to make any changes in it. As a result, eternality is becomes a principal quality of Dharma. 

Dharma is a subject. We give names to any subject by its nature and quality. The nature and principle quality of Dharma is Sanatan; hence, we call it Sanatan Dharma. Human’s Dharma was created before the origin of human and Dharma will always remain eternal, hence human’s Dharma is called Sanatan Dharma.

” Sanatan Dharma is to accept and follow an eternal manual containing rules, rights and responsibilities of human beings made by Parmeshwar Ganapati.” 

Parmeshwar Ganapati knows humans will never acknowledge human rules, rights, and responsibilities by self-awakening; hence, Parmeshwar Ganapati, in the form of Ishwar Vishnu, descends Shankar, Dattatreya, Parshuram, Ram, Krishna, Buddha, and (Kalki + Ganesh) Bhagwan on earth to spread awareness of human rules, rights, and responsibilities to humans.
Spreading awareness of humans’ eternal rules, rights, and responsibilities on earth by Bhagawan is called establishing Sanatan Dharma. Only bhagwan can establish Dharma, because only bhagwan know humans’ eternal rules, rights, and responsibilities. Sages and devotees can propagate dharma but can’t establish Sanatan dharma. 

There are 24 humans' eternal rules, rights, and responsibilities, which are called Sanatan Dharma Chakra. There are 4 rights, 8 responsibilities, and 12 rules part of Sanatan Dharma Chakra.

Humans Four Eternal Rights

  1. There will be 64 emotions that arise in humans, and humans will be able to control the emotion that they want to pull or stop and create fake emotions.
  2. Human beings will be able to eat and sleep whenever they want against nature and will be able to do both religious and unrighteous activities.
  3. To follow religion and for social cohesion, humans will be able to create culture, civilization, and traditional rituals as per their convenience.
  4. Everyone even an unrighteous atheist can attain salvation and heaven.

Humans 8 Eternal Responsibilities

  1. Any ritual should start with the worship of Parmeshwar Ganapati
  2. Symbols of God will be worship.
  3. Attaining Moksha is an ultimate responsibility for humans. To attain Moksha it will be necessary to fulfill all three ultimate duties: Dharma, Artha, and Kaam. To achieve Artha, it will be necessary to follow family and social responsibilities. To fulfill the Kaam, it is necessary to enjoy various types of sexual pleasures or other physical pleasures. To fulfill Dharma, self-control, relevant education, and service to the nation will be necessary.
  4. maintain the cleanliness of natural water, and should not throw any waste in a natural source of water.
  5. Do continuously discover new sources of power generators or else invent relevant objects or subjects.
  6. Give love and care to all deserving humans and all animals, especially give more love to domestic animals, such as cows, oxen, buffalo, bulls, cats, dogs, horses, camels, donkeys, etc.
  7. If any humans are getting more wealth and strength than enough, it is their duty to provide food and care to those humans and animals who are not capable of arranging food and care for themselves. Some animals and some humans are non-vegetarian; human should not hesitate to provide non-vegetarian food to incapable non-vegetarians. and for non-vegetarian humans, only edible animals (goat, pig, chicken, duck, fish, etc.) should be killed with jhatka, and other domestic and wild animals should not be killed.
  8. There are 8 genders of humans; only heterosexual women, men, and trans humans should marry each other. homosexual woman-woman, man-man, trans-trans, etc. can have sex with the same gender but should not marry the same gender.

Humans 12 Eternal Rules

  1. Based on human emotions and destiny, 8 Devta will descend into human body to assist humans and give them ultimate success.
  2. Based on human emotions and destiny, 108 Gana (spirits) will descend into human bodies and provide divine and demonic energy. And also, provide happiness and sorrow.
  3. Depending on the previous karma and present karma of a human, that human will have to undergo the 4 Ashrams like Brahmacharya, Grahastha, Vamprastha, and Sanyas, etc. in different ways.
  4. Based on a human’s previous karma and present karma, a human will get 6 Varna like Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, Achhut and Chandal etc.
  5. The energy coming from planets and constellations will illuminate various events in human life.
  6. humans cannot choose where, when, and how they should die. After death, a human’s memory will end, but in rebirth, a human will get the deeds and art that human had left incomplete in previous lives. Humans can get early die or delay die due to maintaining rebirth, patalaloka, and heaven-descending rules.
  7. In one Yuga, a human will be reborn 108 times. If a human does not attain salvation even after taking 108 rebirths, then human will be sent to the Paatallok. The human who has been sent to the Paatallok will be sent to earth again in the next Yuga.
  8. The human who attains salvation will be sent to heaven; the human who has been sent to heaven will never be sent to earth again.
  9. Based on past karma, some humans will not be able to have a child. Some humans will not be able to accept their child. Some babies will not be born healthy. Some humans will not accept their parents.
  10. Based on past karma human will get rich family or poor family, good family or bad family.
  11. Humans will descend from Vaikuntha to earth on first birth, only during the Kumbh period and humans cannot choose where and when to take birth, and humans will have connections only with the three worlds: earth, heaven, and paatallok.
  12. Humans will have first birth on earth, second birth on heaven, third birth on pritiloka, fourth birth on rasaloka, fifth birth on stabdhaloka, sixth birth on pragyaloka, and seventh birth on prabhuloka. After attaining salvation on all seven living planets, humans will go to Vaikuntha, Hiranyalok. The last birth of humans will take place in Hiranyalok. 

Some Facts About Sanatan Dharma

Sanatan Dharma is not only about worshiping gods; humans can get salvation without worshiping anyone. Sanatan Dharma is not only about practicing rituals; humans can get salvation without practicing any rituals.
Sanatan dharma is not only about chanting. A deaf and dumb human can even attain salvation without listening or talking. Sanatan Dharma is not only about reading or listing to scriptures; humans can get salvation without reading or listing to any scriptures. 
Sanatan Dharma is not only about being gentle, nonviolent, vegan, or sober; even humans can get salvation after having sex with multiple partners, doing violence, consuming intoxication, and eating nonveg.
Sanatan Dharma is not only about accepting all varieties of culture, civilization, rituals, language, emotions, species, genders, etc. Sanatan Dharma is also about opposing and boycotting unrighteousness.
Sanatan Dharma is not only about maintaining peace, nonviolence, and happiness in society; sanatan dharma is also about killing all rapists, dakaits, terrorists, and anti-nationalists without hesitation and punishing criminals to maintain dignity and justice in society.


Sanatan Dharma is about understanding humans’ physical and mental mechanisms. Sanatan Dharma is about worship and understanding God’s symbolism. Sanatan Dharma is about giving love and care to nature.
Sanatana Dharma is about balancing responsibilities and enjoyment together. Sanatan Dharma is about connecting with individual rights, social responsibility, and natural rules. Sanatan Dharma is about understanding the existence of other spiritual worlds that connected with human emotions.

Reference and Request

It was the duty of my life to know the origin of Sanatan Dharma and to publish that knowledge throughout the world. I have fulfilled the first duty of knowing Sanatan Dharma by spending 18 years of my life and Rs 12 lakh on the amendment and am also fulfilling the second duty of publishing this knowledge to the world through the scriptures and the website.
I bow to you; you are much more fortunate than me, so through this post you have easily received the deep knowledge of Sanatan Dharma. Now, since you are knowledgeable, it has become your duty to spread this knowledge to your friends, family, and society.
Kedi Ganapati Dharma

Author : Kedi Ganapati

I am Kedi Ganapati a sage of Sanatan Dharma. I am writing scriptures of Sanatan Dharma and developing a official website of Sanatan Dharma.

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