6 Scriptures of Sanatan Dharma
I am Kedi Ganapathi, a Sage of Sanatan Dharma. I am writing 10 main scriptures of Sanatan Dharma – Kamashastra, Dharmashastra, Devshastra, Arthashastra, Rashtrashastra, Nyayashastra, Darshanshastra, Khagolshastra, Jyotishshastra, and Aayamshastra, etc., and I am also going to write 2 sub-scriptures like 1 ved and 1 puran. I am writing 10 main scriptures and 2 sub-scriptures of Sanatan Dharma, a total of 12 scriptures.
Sanatan Dharma has 4 main scriptures like Sanak, Sanatan, Sanandan, Sanat, etc., and 2 sub-scriptures like Veda and Purana, etc. The main scriptures like Sanak, Sanatan, Sanandan, Sanat, etc. can be published only by God. Ved and Puran, are 2 sub-scriptures, the right to publish of which is with the immortal Vedvyas and other sages of Sanatan Dharma. Smriti, Shruti, Translations, Aranyak, Upanishad, Samhita, Textbook, Sutra, Darshan, etc. are the philosophical texts, which everyone has the right to publish.
Sanatan dharma has Sanak-1, Sanatan-2, Sanandan-3, Sanat-4, Ved-2, and Puran-12, totaling 6 scriptures and totaling 24 sections of all scriptures.
Sanak Shastra is completely dedicated to Kamashastra. Sanatan Shastra has two sections, namely Dharmashastra and Devshastra. Sanandan Shastra has 3 sections, namely Aarthshastra, Rashtrashastra, and Nyasashastra. Sanat Shastra has 4 sections, namely Darshanshastra, Khagolshastra, Jyotishshastra, and Ayamshastra. Ved Shastra has 2 sections, namely Satvik Ved and Tamsik Ved, and each section has 5 subjects, namely Tantra, Yantra, Mantra, Meditation, Festival, etc.
Puran Shastra has 12 small sections, namely Ganeshpuran, Shivpuran, Brahmapuran, Vishnupuran, Durgapuran, Shankarpuran, Dattatreyapuran, Parshurampuran, Rampuran, Krishnapuran, Buddhapuran, and Kalkiganeshpuran. There are 12 Puran, which are written by the immortal Vedvyas himself in all the eras.
Kedi GanapatiDharmashastra
Kedi GanapatiDevshastra
Kedi GanapatiArthashastra
Kedi GanapatiRashtrashastra
Kedi GanapatiNyayashastra
Kedi GanapatiDarshanShastra
Kedi GanapatiKhagolshastra
Kedi GanapatiJyotishshastra
Kedi GanapatiAayamshastra
Kedi GanapatiI got wisdom and practical experience about some subjects of Kaamshastra, Dharmashastra, Devshastra, and Darshanshastra. Nowadays, I am doing studies to get wisdom and practical experience on Khagolshastra, Jyotishshasta, and Ayaamshasta. I need to learn advanced mathematics to calculate the positions of all celestial bodies and also need to learn all elements of physics.
I have learned and experienced fundamentals of economy, justice, and constitution; I need to learn in-depth on these subjects to write the Arthashastra, Rashtrashastra, and Nyayashastra.
Satvik Ved
Kedi GanapatiTamsik Ved
Kedi GanapatiI have knowledge of some rituals, but I don’t have practice. I am getting wisdom from Dhyan rituals only; I feel not comfortable practicing other rituals because of my characteristics and mentality, which do not allow me to practice Tantra and Yantra rituals.
But it is my duty to practice all rituals and write ved and Puran Scriptures. Once I get enough practice of rituals, I will start writing ved and Puran. Now I am not eligible and capable to write anything about Ved and Puran. I will start writing Kalki Ganesh Puran in 2028.
Sanatan Dharma has Sanak, Sanatan, Sanandan, Sanat, Ved, and Puran totaling 6 categories and 24 sections of scripture. The category Sanak has only 1 section, the category Sanatan has 2 sections, the category Sanandan has 3 sections, the category Sanat has 4 sections, the category Ved has 2 sections, and the category Puran has 12 sections.
There are 12 Puran of Sanatan Dharma. Puran are basically stories of gods, how they created this universe and why they descends into the human body on earth and fight with demonic spirits to make reincarnation of Sanatan Dharma.
Currently, I am sure that I have to write Kalki Ganesh Puran. I don’t know when Cheeranjivi Vedvyas will descend in human body again to write the rest of all 11 Purans. If I complete writing Kalki Ganesh Puran, after that I will start writing the rest of all 11 Puran.
It is my life’s duty to learn everything about Sanatan dharma and write all scriptures of Sanatan dharma. I have no option to not learn any particular subjects; I have to learn everything related to Sanatan Dharma. Whatever knowledge I am getting, I have started writing on scriptures and this website.
I am Kedi Ganapati a Sage of Sanatan Dharma. I am writing scriptures of Sanatan Dharma and developing a offical website of Sanatan Dharma.