Kedi Ganapati

Ishawar Vishnu

Who are 7 Ishwar?

Parmeshwar Maha Ganapati has taken 33 different forms like 1 Origin Parmeshwar 2 Fertilized Parmeshwar 7 Ishwar, 7 Bhagwan, 8 Devta, 8 Chiranjeevi etc. The form of Parmeshwar which controls the 8 dimensions like time, space, energy, power, cycle, light, vibration, and matrix etc., is called Ishwar.

“This word Ishwar has been created by combining two metals Ish + Vara etc. The word Ish means ‘control’. The word vara means ‘one who does’. The literal meaning of Ishwar (ईश्वर) is ‘the one who controls'”.

This word Ishwar has been created by combining two metals Ish + Vara etc. The word Ish means ‘control’. The word vara means ‘one who does’. The literal meaning of Ishwar (ईश्वर) is ‘the one who controls’.

To control the time, space, energy, power, chakra, light, vibration and Maya etc. these 8 dimensions in Hiranyagarbha, Parmeshwar manifested himself in 7 different forms of Ishwar.

Dimensions of Ishwar?

Parmeshwar Ganapati himself in the form of Ishwar Shiv controls Time and Vibration these two dimensions within Hiranyagarbha. Parmeshwar Ganapati himself in the form of Ishwar Brahma controls space and light these two dimensions within Hiranyagarbha. Parmeshwar Ganapati himself in the form of Ishwar Vishnu controls Cycle and Energy these two dimensions within Hiranyagarbha. Parmeshwar Ganapati himself in the form of Ishwar Durga controls power and matrix these two dimensions within Hiranyagarbha.
Parmeshwar Ganapati himself creates the life element within Hiranyagarbha from time and vibration dimentions in the form of Ishwar Kali. Parmeshwar Ganapati himself creates the Mind element within Hiranyagarbha from energy and cycle dimention in the form of Ishwar Lakshmi. Parmeshwar Ganapati himself creates the soul element within Hiranyagarbha from space and light dimentions in the form of Ishwar Sarasvati.

Reference and Request

It was the duty of my life to know the existence of Parmeshwar and to publish that knowledge throughout the world. I have fulfilled the first duty of knowing the existence of God by spending 15 years of my life and Rs 10 lakh on the amendment and am also fulfilling the second duty of publishing this knowledge to the world through the scriptures and the website.
I bow to you, you are much more fortunate than me, so through this post you have easily received the deep knowledge of Parmeshwar. Now, since you are knowledgeable, it has become your duty to spread this knowledge to your friends, family and society.
Kedi Ganapati Who are 7 Ishwar

Author : Kedi Ganapati

I am Kedi Ganapati a Sage of Sanatan Dharma. I am writing 12 scriptures of Sanatan Dharma and developing a offical website of Sanatan Dharma.

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