Kedi Ganapati

Chandal Gana

Who are 8 Chandal

Parmeshwar Ganapati has created 108 Ganas (Spirits) on Earth to get the various activities done by humans. Different Gana enter the human body and perform various activities. The Gana do not have their own body, they have to enter the human body to perform their actions.

Parmeshwar Ganapati has created 8 forms of Chandal Gana on earth. The meaning of the word Chandal is ‘One who eats his own relatives’.  Pishaach, Brahmarakshas, Dakini, Shakini, Chetuk, Betal, Chetkin, and Chudaail, etc. These are 8 forms of Chandal Gana.
“Species of spirits who descend into the human body and torture their own relatives are called Chandal Gana”.

Chandal - Pishach

The form of Chandal Gana who descends in the human body and increases lust and does various immoral and sexual activities to achieve lust is called Pishach. Parmeshwara Ganapati has given the key of lust to the Pishaach. 

Whenever the feeling of lust arises in the mind of a human, the Pishaach enters the body of that human and performs various immoral and sexual activities to acheive lust. Being a form of the Chandal Gana, the Pishaach makes his family members a victim of his lust.

Chandal - Brahmarakshas

The form of Chandal Gana who descends in the human body and increases anger and does violence to fulfill his anger is called Brahmarakshas. Parmeshwara Ganapati has given the key of anger to the Brahmarakshas. 

Whenever the feeling of anger arises in the mind of a human, the Brahmarakshas enters the body of that human and performs various violent activities to fulfill his anger. No human being can fulfill his anger without the help of a Brahmarakshas And a Brahmarakshas cannot enter the body of a person whose mind does not generate anger. Brahmarakshas being a form of the Chandal Gana, Brahmarakshas expresses violence on his own family members.

Chandal - Dakini

The form of Chandal Gana who descends in the human body and increases greed and does crime to fulfill greed is called Dakini. Parmeshwar Ganapati has given the key of greed to the Dakini. 

Whenever the feeling of greed arises in the mind of a human, the Dakini enters the body of that human and performs various criminal activities to fulfill his greed. No human being can fulfill his greed without the help of a Dakini. And a Dakini cannot enter the body of a person whose mind does not generate greed. Dakini, being a form of the Chandal Gana, tries to usurp the property of her own family member.

Chandal - Shakini

The form of Chandal Gana who descends in the human body and increases addiction. and does various immoral and criminal activities to fulfill addiction is called Shakini. Parmeshwara Ganapati has given the key of addiction to the Shakini. 

Whenever the feeling of addiction arises in the mind of a human, the Shakini enters the body of that human and performs various immoral and criminal activities to fulfill her addiction. No human being can fulfill his addiction without the help of a Shakini. And a Shakini cannot enter the body of a person whose mind does not generate intoxication. Shakini, being a form of the Chandal Gana, tortures her own family members to satisfy her addiction.

Chandal - Chetuk

The form of Chandal Gana who descends in the human body and increases doubt and does various immoral and criminal activities to fulfill doubt is called Chetuk. Parmeshwar Ganapati has given the key of doubt to the Chetuk. 

Whenever the feeling of doubt arises in the mind of a human, the Chetuk enters the body of that human and performs various immoral and criminal activities to fulfill his doubt. No human being can fulfill his doubt without the help of a Chetuk. And a Chetuk cannot enter the body of a person whose mind does not generate doubt. Chetuk, being a form of the Chandal Gana, keeps suspicious of his own family member.

Chandal - Betal

The form of Chandal Gana who descends in the human body and increases helpless fear and instigates him to commit suicide to get freedom from helpless fear is called Betal. Parmeshwar Ganapati has given the key of helpless fear to the Betal. 

Whenever the feeling of helpless fear arises in the mind of a human, the Betal enters the body of that human and instigates him to commit suicide. No human being can commit suicide without the help of Betal, and the person in whose mind the fear of being helpless does not arise, Betal cannot enter the body of that person. Betal, being a form of the Chandal species, kills himself.

Chandal - Chetkin

The form of Chandal Gana who descends in the human body and increases jealousy and instigates to quarrel, insult, and ridicule to get fulfillment of her jealousy is called Chetkin. Parmeshwar Ganapati has given the key of jealousy to the Chetkin. 

Whenever the feeling of jealousy arises in the mind of a human, the Chetkin descends in the body of that human and instigates quarrel, insult, and ridicule to get fulfillment of her jealousy. No human being can commit suicide without the help of Chetkin, and a Chetkin cannot enter the body of a person whose mind does not generate jealousy. The Chetkin, being a form of the Chandal Gana, insults and ridicules her own family member.

Chandal - Chudail

The form of Chandal Gana who descends in the human body and increases cruelty and instigates to kill someone to get fulfillment of her cruelty is called Chudail. Parmeshwar Ganapati has given the key of cruelty to the Chudail. 

Whenever the feeling of cruelty arises in the mind of a human, the Chudail descends in the body of that human and instigates to kill someone to get fulfillment of her cruelty. No human being can kill another human being without the help of a Chudail. And a Chudail cannot enter the body of a person whose mind does not generate cruelty. The Chudail, being a form of the Chandal Gana, kills her own family members.


Parmeshwar Ganapati has created 8 forms of Chandal Gana. Ishwar Vishnu descends all Chandal Gana into the human body and their lives to punish them who commit unrighteousness and misdeeds. Ishwar Vishnu keeps the Chandal away from those who follow humanity and dignity.

Reference and Request

It is a duty of my life to write Sanat Darshan Shastra the Scripture of Sanatan Dharma by studying the 108 Ganas created by Parmeshwar Ganapati. To research on the 108 Ganas, I have put myself in strange situations, created fake emotions in my mind, invited all those  Chandal Ganas into my body and have done a deep study on all these 8 Chandal Ganas.

I bow to you; you are much more fortunate than me, so through this post you have easily received the deep knowledge of Chandal Ganas. Now, since you are knowledgeable, it has become your duty to spread this knowledge to your friends, family and society.

Kedi Ganapati Who are 8 Chandal

Author : Kedi Ganapati

I am Kedi Ganapati a Sage of Sanatan Dharma. I am writing scriptures of Sanatan Dharma and developing a offical website of Sanatan Dharma.

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